On a personal level, some have inquired about my oldest daughter, Mary,
and her Japan Internship. She has now landed in Tokyo and is headed
for Nagasaki where she will be based. Having graduated from The
University of Texas in Austin in May with highest honors in Japanese,
the University of Houston Law Center gave her a deferment for a year so
she could accept a position with the JET program in Japan. UH also
deferred her scholarship. We miss her here in Texas, but she should be
back next summer. In the meantime, Mary is blogging about her
adventure at her Japan Journal, which you can access by clicking here. I know what most of you are saying. She is bright, an over achiever
and beautiful. She must take after her mother. Maybe that is true,
but give me credit for convincing a bright, beautiful, college
cheerleader into marrying me 25 short years ago.
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