Lighting struck! Literally. It hit my next door neighbor's back
yard. Feet from my home / office. The clap of thunder that followed
was deafening. I knew it was getting bad, so I turned off my
computers. I shut down my phones. Little good it did. Despite surge
protectors and a breaker box, my computers and my phone system have had
it. I have got my computer working with some old parts. My phone
system? Only one line works and it does not ring through. The call
goes to voice mail. I am notified. I listen to the message. And, I
call back.
I have been putting off change. Why? Money. It is
plain and simple. Tech can be expensive. I do not like spending
money. But, it makes little sense now to spend a bunch repairing what
I have, when new and updated are not that much more.
It is time to move on. I am going to try a new set up for me.
I will let you know how it goes.
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