My little firm is greatly dependent on broadband. It is my practice's lifeblood. And, there are those that want to find ways to charge greatly for the service. Like gas and cell phones and electricity there are those that yearn for the day that they can make you beg for the service and make then make you pay through the teeth to keep it.
One of those is Comcast, the nations second largest Internet service provider. It just announced that it will start limiting its customers on their Internet use. That is actually a misnomer, however. What they mean to say is that they intend to start charging their customers more money on top of the huge fees they already charge for the services they provide.
Comcast is following a trend. Cox Communications' monthly caps vary from 5 gigabytes to 75 gigabytes depending the subscriber's plan. Time Warner Cable Inc. is testing caps between 5 gigabytes and 40 gigabytes in one market. Frontier Communications Co., a phone company, plans to start charging extra for use of more than 5 gigabytes per month.
We already have the most expensive and slowest broadband of most industrialized nations.
The strange thing is that I just left Comcast for AT&T U-verse system. It is not perfect, but it is light years better than Comcast, who had already been slowing down video and voice. The cable TV pictures are better on AT&T, and you get more stations for less money, and all over fiber optic.
I did not leave Comcast because of the limit in broadband, however. I left because I am convinced that it has be be the worse run company in the tech World, with the possible exception of Time Warner. I would have complained more when I was with Comcast, but they would never respond to my emails and you could hardly get through to them over the phone. A one hour wait or better on the phone was not untypical. Then they would get on and simply say to reboot your system. I would tell them I already. They would make me do it again. Then they would promise to send someone out in four or five days, who would never show up. Oh, those were the good old days.
There slogan is "Comcastic". They are simply bombastic, however. It is time for them to go.
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