Is the Third Wave practice of law imba?
Oh yeah, I have thought about it.
It is pronounced phonetically as if it is a full word.
Imba means imbalanced. It is mostly used in online games that have patches or different versions. It is used by newbies in WarCraft III who are not acquainted with armor and attack types. It means that something is either overpowered (OP) or underpowered (UP), but it mainly applies to things weapons, armies, races, roles or jobs that are too strong or too appealing. It means is that something in the game is too good so that it makes the game unfair.
Well, the Third Wave practice of law is a job, so apart from gaming I think the term can apply here as well. It involves patches or different versions depending on the practice type and circumstances of the lawyer. And, I think it is generally so good as to make other types of law practice unfair.
I know there are people that will fight me on this point, but I also understand that these are people that just need to lord over others in order to feel in a place of privilege. They went to law school on the image of Perry Mason or LA Law. The yearn to mimic Big Law. They see big offices, and a large staff, and a physical library, and large footprint as substance. I do not.
I am not naive enough to think that there is no problem with the Third Wave practice of law, but I also know from experience that Big Law and the traditional practice of law can "nerf", or make worse your life. At least it can overly complicate it.
I think in many ways the Third Wave practice is imba in the best sense of the word. It is OP in the sense that it can quickly overcome the qualities of the traditional practice of law.
I do not suggest that the Third Wave is OP in the sense that it can paper or try to overwhelm the other side as Big Law is really known to try. I am not suggesting it is OP because it puts you in a position to lord over other people, staff members and lawyers. I am also not suggesting that it is OP because you rake in all of the money in the world. We all know none of that is true.
The Third Wave is OP to the extent that it creates an imba between the work-life experience or blending that no other method of practice can provide. And, peace of mind. It can provide better peace of mind.
There is a lot to say about the solitary focus in the practice of law as well as concentrating more on your family and enjoyment. It is something that the Second Wave practice of law, the industrial model of law, absolutely robs from you.
But, there is an imba in that the Third Wave practice so reduces the costs, structure, infrastructure and frustration of law that it leave those who will try it with the urge to flee the traditional practice of law. What more can you expect than having more time to yourself and your family, ending the endless formalities of an office practice, and maybe not making more money but keeping substantially all of the money you make for your own use. Just the relief of not constantly feeling responsible for so many other people is wonderful. At some point all of this has to create an imba in the practice of law that will cause people to tip away from Big Law of the traditional practice of law.
I guess we will see.