There is a Japanese proverb that reads (or so I am told because I do not read or speak Japanese) - Nokorimono ni wa fuku ga aru.
The literal meaning, I see, is luck exists in the leftovers.
My daughter, Mary Newton, is about to publish her first book entitled Tales Of The Rising Sun. For a year she literally consumed Japan, its culture, its people, its way of life. She now brings to you this excitement. She wishes to bring you the luck she felt while there.
Eight months in the writing. 200 pages. 386 pictures.
The pictures and the words of the book coming might very well be the leftovers of her trip, but it is awe inspiring. It is rich in something that many of us never get to really experience, especially at a level missed by the busy tourist. Mary seeks to impart to you the luck that exists in these leftovers.
I will keep you all informed of when it is out and how you can get a copy.
Actually, the book is titled, Tales From the Rising Sun. The book you refer to is the sequel, Tales Of the Rising Sun.
Posted by: Eric | February 13, 2009 at 08:50 AM