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Jay S. Fleischman

I am upfront with all opposing counsel. If I dislike them I tell them why I believe them to be difficult to deal with. It's a wonderful way to shame someone into acting properly.

In fact, last year I said to opposing counsel, "Are you proud of the way you're acting? Is this how you taught your kids to behave in the world?"

From that moment forward, our relationship became more productive.


So, shall I wear a hat or a tie that says "bad guy" when I am representing unpoplar clients? I am a happy guy. My life is going well. I don't want to turn into the firebreathing ass my client is purported to be. I have no business being angry or unfriendly towards adverse counsel. I chose my profession because it is something I can do well and make a good living at, not because I want to punish the rascalls who can't pay their bills. It's okay if I enjoy my work, right? I can still call myself a genuine person if I smile today and still actually do my job, right?
You are getting sleepy...
Verrrrry sleepy...

Corinne A. Tampas

Not all frenemies are opposing counsel!

I once worked for an AV-rated, boutique law firm which only handled large medical malpractice cases. All of our fees were based on contingency, so I just couldn't get it in my head that we weren't all on the same team.

One of the junior partners, an associate and the office manager gossiped about the senior partners ad nauseum. If you were unfortunate enough to be in the room during one of these conversations, (pouring yourself a cup of coffee in the break room, waiting to use the restroom), somehow that conversation was imputed to you. If you avoided these co-workers, a senior partner, oblivious by choice, would confront you about your attitude.

Before it was all over, the junior partner became a senior partner, the associate became a junior partner, and the office manager got a pay raise. However, more than half the secretaries and several associates quit the law firm during a one year period. It destroyed the law firm.

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    Charles (Chuck) Newton is licensed to practice law in all courts in the State of Texas, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and all United States District Court and Bankruptcy Courts in the State of Texas.
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