I tend to think, as Katy Couric indicates, that we have come a lot further in this country, and especially in regard to the Democratic Party, in resolving racism than in sexism.
I have a wife who is a lawyer, and went to law school well before entering law school admissions were anything but equal. I have two daughters, one of them in law school. Regardless of the outcome of this presidential race, I have been continually embarrassed and repulsed, angry even, by the sexism that has taken place by otherwise respected people in the media, as well as those outside the media.
Over the years, and including today, the situation in our courts is not much different in the attitude among well educated lawyers against women. Sure, they have allowed some women in their firms and some have been appointed or elected to the bench. More women are being excepted and graduating from law school, and that is a plus. But, what happens when a female judge rules against a male lawyer. Quite often, I can assure you, it results in sexist if not sexually related remarks out of the courtroom among the other male lawyers. Often angery but not such hyper sexual remarks are made when a male judge rules against a male lawyer. And, such comments are most often made against female lawyers in the courtroom varying to how the male lawyer would like to bed them to accusations that she is a "bitch" or "lesbian" depending largely on the female lawyers looks and adversarial position against the male lawyer.
I think we can pretend that it does not happen or happen much or that we believe down deep that a woman is equal, and is treated as such, but it is simply not true. At least in Court and in regard to female lawyers and judges, this stuff happens every single day.
So, with this said, I agree with Katy Couric's notebook.
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