Times are getting tough. Part of it is that prices are just going up, but a lot of it is nothing more than our extravagances coming back to roost.
Often when we talk about moving our law offices home we speak in terms of large savings such as the cost of a separate office, staff, and cutting the costs of commuting. These are all good things, and it should be enough in and of these savings to get you to move home.
However, the truth of the matter is that moving home can not only act to tranquil your life, but it can help you save by spending less on these extravagances. After all, there is a lot to the commuting life that causes you to spend in ways that living and working at home does not. So, let us review a few of these areas.
1. Coffee. I am not a coffee person, so Starbucks and its rivals, have never much interested me. Nonetheless, I always marvel at the commuters waiting in the drive-thru on the way to their workplaces every day. Why? Well, good coffee I am sure is part of it, but it is also the busyness of life. The goal is to get out of your home every morning. Lingering is not an option because that has consequences. So, you get into the habit of pulling through 5 Bucks every morning. It is easy, it is convenient and, of course, it is easy to justify the expense because you work so hard, you are in such a hurry, and you have to kick start your busy life. It allows you to wake up and get your day started during down time when you are in the car every morning. But, the truth of the matter is it gets to be expensive. I read somewhere that the average Starbucks customer spends in excess of $1,000.00 a year on coffee at their locations. Four or five dollars might not sound like a lot, but a thousands dollars is a lot of money. To think that you could put your child through a semester or two of a public university on what you many consume in coffee in three to four years is truly amazing. When you work at home, you have no reason to feel pushed into this trip and expense every morning. You have time to make coffee (even exotic blends) relatively cheaply while getting ready to work. After all, you only have a carpet commute.
2. Other beverages. Bottle water in particular is a convenience at work. It is portable. At home, however, if I want a drink of water I just get it in a glass with some ice, filtered, out of my frig. It usually taste better as well because, as research shows, bottled water is essentially dead water. I have read reports that the average person at work spends over $300.00 a year on bottled water. Then of course there is soda or colas out of the vending machine. I have got to admit that I over consume diet colas. But, I buy a store brand at the grocery store that has an average costs of 17 cents a can. This is much less than most vending machines that charge over a dollar for a can of pop. But, if you buy one Coke a day, every day you are at work, you will spend over $260.00 a year on this habit.
3. Lunch. It is funny really. When I worked in a typical office environment I use to know several people who brought something from home almost every day, and almost never ate it because they would get pressured into going out to lunch with the rest of the tribe. And, out-to-eat food just does not sit well during the day. You have to rush to get it, you have to fight a crowd, you have to wolf it down, and then rush back to the office, only not to feel very good later. But, it is what we do, and it can be very costly. At home I not only do not have that rush to gorge, and I can eat my meal slowly while watching Family Feud, the news or some design show on TV, but we almost always eat leftovers from the night before. Occasionally a sandwich. And, the night before meals are better because I work at home. My wife and I do not have to rush through our commute to make a nice meal. In fact, we can often start it, while still working. So dinner is better and lunch is better, and lunch costs pennies instead of dollars.
4. Grocery shopping. My wife and I purchase a lot of store brands. You might say that you do as well. But, the truth of the matter is that when you are not eating out as much and you are preparing meals for lunch and dinner, then you buy more groceries than you pay others for prepared food. This is cheaper in and of itself, but it is cheaper still when you can use store brands.
The forecast is that by the end of the year inflation is expected to be 3.5% higher than it was the December before. You have to save money any way you can. What I hope this reflects is that there are some obvious savings that can be had to offset this inflation that benefit you when you move your office home that you might not have otherwise thought about.
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